Daily Distortion – T-Shirts to Support Rare Diseases
The Daily Distortion project is a collaboration between artist Yannick Tossing and the non-profit organization ALAN – Maladies Rares Luxembourg. The project aims to raise awareness for rare diseases, with a focus on Huntington’s disease, which serves as the artist’s source of inspiration.
The ethical and eco-friendly t-shirts, designed by Yannick Tossing, are produced by the Foundation Kräizbierg. The illustrations symbolize the impact of a rare disease on everyday life and the distortion of what is considered “normal.” The net profits from the project will be donated to ALAN.
How to Pre-Order Your T-Shirt
You can place your pre-order by March 31, 2025, in two simple steps:
1. Fill out the online form by scanning the QR code or visiting:
2. Transfer at least 30 € to Yannick Tossing via:
Payconiq: 621 519 480
Bank transfer: LU24 0030 8928 9443 0000 (BGL LLULL)
Delivery Information
Once the pre-order phase is closed, the t-shirts will be produced and delivered to the address provided in the order form. Delivery is expected by the end of April 2025.
T-Shirt Details
- Price: 30 € (any additional amount will be fully donated to ALAN)
-Available sizes: S, M, L, XL
- Illustrations: Scissors, Bicycle, Chair, Cutlery